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The PeriTec Process

Wheat is cleaned and tempered to the desired milling moisture content as with a conventional milling process. However, PeriTec does not require any scouring machinery in the wheat cleaning section.

The wheat is pre-conditioned for debranning by adding a small amount of moisture and controlling the length of time the moisture is allowed to penetrate the kernels. Only allowing the outer bran layers to become damp aids the separation of the inner and outer bran layers. The VCW Debranner abrades the damp outer bran off then sequentially removes the thinner bran layers below the seed coat (Testa).

All the moisture that was added is removed in the bran and does not affect the moisture content of the debranned wheat and the resulting flour or semolina produced. 

Increasing the Capacity of an Existing Mill

The PeriTec System is of particular interest to existing mills that are unable to increase their capacity due to limitations of the existing building space or where planning permission, or capital cost, precludes extending the existing building.

The PeriTec System can be installed in an unutilised area of the building. It is not necessary to install the equipment in or alongside the existing mill machinery. All the machines that are used in the process have relatively small footprints and in all but the most exceptional circumstances space can be found to accommodate them. Because the system is fully automatic and self-regulating it does not require frequent operator attention.

PeriTec Booster Units

In existing mills where there is some space for expansion the milling capacity can be increased more dramatically using a PeriTec Booster Unit rather than a conventional increase in machine content and capacity. A PeriTec system with three rollermills, one purifier and one sifter can provide a capacity increase of 120 tonnes per 24hrs.

The PeriTec Booster Unit incorporates the head break and head reduction system. This maximises the production of high quality flour streams. The remaining product is fed back into the existing mill at the end of the break system and the middle of the reduction system. These are areas that are usually under-utilised in a conventional mill flow and can accept an increase in the feed to them.

It is usually possible to install most of the machinery prior to a short shutdown to modify the existing mill flow. The existing mill can be operated with or without the booster Unit running, without suffering any reduction in flour quality. This is useful for mills with a varying production demand.